Convert Time to Decimal

Welcome to the Math Salamanders support page about how to Convert Time to Decimal.

Here you will find information and support about how to convert a range of times in hours, minutes and seconds into decimals.

You will also find help on converting a decimal back into a time!

Convert Time to Decimal Calculator

Convert Time to Fraction & Decimal

Answer hr
Answer hr


How the Time to Decimal Calculator works

Type in your time - can either be in just hours and minutes, or it can be in hours, minutes and seconds.

The time should be in the form HH:MM or HH:MM:SS, e.g. 14:37 or 2:15:58.

Next click the Convert button to convert it into both a fraction in its simplest form, and also a decimal.

The answer will be displayed as a fraction and also as a decimal, with the hours before the decimal point.

If you need help on how exactly to convert time to decimal, there is more help further down!

Decimal to Time Converter

Convert Decimal to Time
Answer HH:MM:SS


How our Time to Decimal Calculator works

If you want to convert a decimal into a time, please use the calculator below.

Type in your decimal time in hours, e.g. 3.45 or 18.9

Next click the Convert button to convert it into a proper time.

The answer will be displayed as a time, rounded to the nearest second.

It will be shown as HH:MM:SS

If you need help on how exactly to convert a decimal to a time, there is more help further down!

How to Convert a Time into a Decimal

To convert time into a decimal, follow the steps below.

Step 1) The hour becomes the whole number part of the decimal.

Step 2) Take the number of minutes and multiply them by 60, then add on the number of seconds

Step 3) Divide the number from Step 2 by 3600. This is the decimal part.

Step 4) All you need to do now is to put your whole number part (the hour) with the decimal part from Step 3.

Convert Time to Decimal Frazer Salamander

You should now have converted your time into a decimal!


Example 1: Convert 3:35 (3 hours 35 minutes) into a decimal.

Step 1) The hour is 3, so the whole number part is 3.

Step 2) The minutes are 35, so we multiply them by 60 - this gives us 2100.
There are no seconds to add on.

Step 3) We now divide this number by 3600 which gives us 0.583333.

Step 4) We now add the hour number to this decimal.
3 + 0.583333 = 3.583333

So our final answer is 3 hours 35 minutes = 3.58 hours (to 2dp)

Example 2: Convert 16:28:45 (16 hours, 28 minutes and 45 seconds) into a decimal.

Step 1) The hour is 16, so the whole number part is 16.

Step 2) The minutes are 28, so we multiply this by 60 and add on the seconds.
This gives us (28 x 60) + 45 = 1725

Step 3) We divide the answer from Step 2 by 3600.
1725 ÷ 3600 = 0.4791666

Step 4) We now add the hour number to this decimal.
16 + 0.4791666 = 16.4791666

So our final answer is 16 hours 28 minutes 45 seconds = 16.48 hours (to 2dp)

How to Convert Decimal to Time

When converting decimal time into a time, follow the steps below.

Step 1) The number before the decimal point become the number of hours.

Step 2) Take the decimal part of the number after the point and multiply it by 3600.

Step 3) Divide the answer from Step 2 by 60 and round it down - this gives you the number of minutes past.

Step 4) If you take the number from Step 2 and subtract the number of minutes multipled by 60, then you should be left with the number of seconds. You may need to round this to the nearest whole number!

Convert Decimal to Time Frazer Salamander

You should now have converted your decimal into a time!


Example 1: Convert 8.75 hours into a time.

Step 1) The number of hours is the part before the decimal point which is 8.

Step 2) We multiply the decimal part after the point by 3600.
So 0.75 x 3600 = 2700

Step 3) We divide the answer from Step 2 by 60 and round it down.
2700 ÷ 60 = 45 (this is already a whole number and does not need rounding!)
So we have 45 minutes past.

Step 4) We subtract 45 x 60 from 2700 to give us the number of seconds (in this case there are zero seconds!)

So the final time is 8:45:00 (or just 8:45).

Example 2: Convert 14.681 hours into a time.

Step 1) The number of hours is the whole number part which is 14.

Step 2) We multiply the decimal part by 3600.
So 0.681 x 3600 = 2451.6

Step 3) We divide the answer from Step 2 by 60 and round it down.
2451.6 ÷ 60 = 40.86.
Rounding this down gives us 40 minutes.

Step 4) We subtract 40x60 from 2451.6. This gives us:
2451.6 - (40x60) = 51.6.
So we have 51.6 seconds. Rounded to the nearest second is 52 seconds.

Our final answer is 14:40:52 (14 hours, 40 minutes and 52 seconds)

Other Useful Pages...

More Time Conversion Calculators

Our time calculators will allow you to convert any digital time into a military time, and back.

We also have a decimal time converter which will take a time in hours, minutes and seconds and then convert it to a decimal number which represents that time. This calculator will also take a decimal time and convert it to hours, minutes and seconds.

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