Military Time Chart
24 hour clock

Welcome to the Math Salamanders' Military Time Chart page.

On this webpage, you will find a chart to help you to convert from standard to military time, and from military time to standard time.

Military Time Chart

the 24 hour clock image

The military time conversion chart below will help you convert from standard to military time and back.

In military time, or the 24 hour clock, the hours go up to 24 instead of 12, and the words 'am' and 'pm' are no longer needed or used.

Military times are written in the form hh:mm or hh:mm:ss (where h=hour, m=minute and s=seconds)

Often the colon is removed between hours and minutes, so the format is hhmm or hhmm:ss (where h=hour, m=minute, s=seconds)

The hour is always written as a 2 digit number, so any hour below 10 has a zero before it, e.g. 01:23, or 08:37.

On this page, you will also find a quick and easy explanation of how to convert to and from military time, as well as some worksheets for you to try!

Using these resources will help you to:
  • convert between standard and military time;
  • know the formula for converting standard to military time;
  • practice converting from standard to military time.

The Military Time Charts in this section will help you to get your conversion facts right.

Military Time Conversion Chart

The military time chart below will tell you at a glance how to instantly convert Standard Times to Military Times and vice versa.

We have left the colon in our Military times for ease of use, though they are often left out.

Military Time Standard Time
12:00 midnight
12:00 midday
12:00 midnight

Note: 24:00 is still used to mean 12:00 midnight, especially by the military and emergency services, but computers and computer equipment treat midnight as 00:00 and the start of a new day.

Military Time Chart Conversion Formula

The formula below will help you to convert from standard to military time.

Convert from Standard to Military Time

If the hour in standard time is an "am" time:

  • If the hour is 12am, then it changes to 00.

e.g. 12:37am changes to 00:37


  • Military time is the same as Standard time.

Remember to add the preceding zero if the hour is less than 10. Remove the "am" label.

If the hour in standard time is a "pm" time:

  • If the hour is 12pm, then it stays the same.


  • Add 12 to the number of hours. Remove the "pm" label.


4:30am = 04:30 (or 0430)   11:45am = 11:45 (or 1145)

12:32am = 00:32 (or 0032)   12:15pm = 12:15 (or 1215)

7:55pm = 19:55 (or 1955)   5:12pm = 17:12 (or 1712)

This formula will help you to convert from Military Time back to Standard Time.

Convert from Military to Standard Time

If the hour in military time is less than 12:

  • if the hour is zero, change it to 12.


  • Standard time is the same as Military time.

Remember to remove the preceding zero if the hour is less than 10. Add the "am" label.

If the hour in military time is 12 or more:

  • the time is a "pm" time.
  • if the hour is 13 or more, take away 12 from it.

Write down the new hour and minutes and add the "pm" label.


00:37 = 12:37am   07:42 = 7:42am

12:42 = 12:42pm   20:06 = 8:06pm

Printable Military Time Charts

Below are some printable charts that you can use to print out for ease of use when you are travelling around.

Sheet 1 has military time on the left hand side, and standard time on the right. There are no colons in military time.

Sheet 1A is identical to Sheet 1 but the columns are switched over.

Sheet 2 has military time on the left hand side, and standard time on the right. There are colons in military time.

Sheet 2A is identical to Sheet 2 but the columns are switched over.

Online Military Time Converter

Here is our Military Time converter.

This converter will change any standard time into military time, and any military time into standard time.

Looking for some military time conversion worksheets...?

On this webpage there is a selection of printable military time conversion worksheets which will help you learn to convert from 24 hour clock to standard time, and from standard time to 24 hour time.

An answer sheet is provided with each sheet and the sheets are graded with the easiest sheets coming with supporting information.

Other Conversion Charts

Convert Time to Decimal

The following web information page is all about converting times into decimals.

You will find a Time to Decimal Converter to help you convert times in hours and minutes into decimals.

There is also a converter to help you convert a decimal back into a time.

If you wish to know how the math works - this is all explained too!

Metric to Standard Conversion Charts (US)

The following web information page is all about converting a range of measurements from metric to standard units.

Please note that measurements in the US and UK differ for weights and liquid volumes.

These pages will help you to convert a range of:

  • lengths
  • areas
  • volumes
  • weights
  • liquid volumes

from metric units to standard units.

Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion

The following web information page is all about converting temperatures from celsius to fahrenheit.

There is a printable temperature conversion page, as well as a formula to help you to convert a range of temperatures.


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