Percentage Of Calculator

Welcome to the our Percentage Of Calculator Online.

Here you will our percentage calculator which you can use for finding a percentage of a number.

Percentage Of Calculator Online

Percent of Calculator


This calculator will help you to find a given percentage of a number.

Simply enter the percentage in the first box and the number in the 2nd box.

Click on the 'Get Answer' box to work out the percentage you need!

How to find percentages of a number

If you would like to be able to work out percentages for yourself, look at our two simple steps below!

Step 1) Find 1% of the number by dividing the number by 100.

Step 2) Multiply this answer by the percentage you want.

Examples of Percentages of a number

Example 1) Find 35% of 280

Step 1) Find 1% of 280.

1% of 280 = 280 ÷ 100 = 2.8

Step 2) Multiply the answer from Step 1) by the percentage

35% of 280 = 2.8 x 35 = 98.

Answer: 35% of 280 is 98.

Example 2) I put $4250 in a savings bank for a year at an interest rate is 3%. How much interest do I get?

Step 1) Find 1% of $4250.

1% of 4250 = 4250 ÷ 100 = 42.5

Step 2) Multiply the answer from Step 1) by the percentage

3% of 4250 = 42.5 x 3 = 127.5

Answer: I would get $127.50 interest.

Example 3) Frazer has a bottle with 30 ounces of water. He drinks 35% of the water. How much is left?

Step 1) Find 1% of 30 ounces

1% of 30 = 30 ÷ 100 = 0.3

Step 2) Multiply the answer from Step 1) by the percentage

35% of 30 = 0.3 x 35 = 10.5

Frazer has drunk 10.5 ounces of water, so there is 30 - 10.5 = 19.5 ounces left

Answer: There is 19.5 ounces left in the bottle.

Other Percentage Calculators

We have a range of different percentage calculators to use.

You can use the calculators for finding the percentages of numbers, finding percentage increases or reverse percentages.

Percentage Worksheets

Looking for some printable percentage of worksheets?

We have a selection of worksheets for finding percentages of numbers and amounts.

The sheets are carefully graded so that you can select ones at the right level.

Online Percentage Practice Zone

Our online percentage practice zone gives you a chance to practice finding percentages of a range of numbers.

You can choose your level of difficulty and test yourself with immediate feedback!

Looking for more math calculators?

We have a wide range of free math calculators to help you.

Most of our calculators show you their working out so that you can see exactly what they have done to get the answer.

Our calculator hub page contains links to all of our calculators!


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