Area of Quadrilateral Worksheets

Welcome to our Area of Quadrilateral Worksheets page.

Here you will find a range of free printable area sheets, which will help your child to learn to find the areas of a range of different quadrilaterals including parallelograms, trapezoids (or trapeziums if you are in the UK), rectangles and kites.

These sheets are aimed at children of a 6th grade level and up.

Area of Quadrilaterals

On this webpage you will find our range of worksheets to help your child to work out the area of a range of triangles and quadrilaterals.

These sheets are graded from easiest to hardest, and each sheet comes complete with answers.

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • understand what area is;
  • know how to find the area of a range of different quadrilaterals;

What is Area?

  • Area is the amount of space that is inside a shape.
  • Because it is an amount of space, it has to be measured in squares.
  • If the shape is measured in cm, then the area would be measured in square cm or cm2
  • If the shape is measured in inches, then the area would be measured in square inches or in2

Area of a Rectangle

area of rectangle image 2

  • To find the area of a rectangle, you simply need to multiply the length by the width.
  • Area of a rectangle = l x w, where l is the length and w is the width.

area of rectangle example

  • In the example above, the area of the rectangle is 9 x 3 = 27 square cm or 27 cm2

Area of a Parallelogram

  • If you are measuring the area of a parallelogram, then the area will be equal to the base multiplied by the perpendicular height.
  • Or Area of a parallelogram = base x (perpendicular) height


example parallelogram 1

  • In the example above, the area of the parallelogram is 8 x 6 = 48 square cm or 48 cm2

Area of a Trapezoid (Trapezium UK)

example trapezoid 2

  • If you are measuring the area of a trapezoid (called a trapezium in the UK) then the area will be ½ x (length of the two parallel sides added together) x height
  • Or Area of a trapezoid = ½ x (length1 + length2) x height


example trapezoid 1

  • In the example above, the area is ½ x (10 + 6) x 7 = 56 square m or 56 m2

Area of a Kite

area of kite image

  • If you are measuring the area of a kite, then you just need to multiply the lengths of the two diagonals.
  • Area of a kite = ½ x p x q (where p and q are the lengths of the two diagonals)


area of kite example 1

  • In the example above, the area is ½ x 7 x 4 = 14 square cm or 14 cm2

Area of 2D Shapes Printable Support Page

Our printable support page has the formulas for the area of common 2d shapes.

Area of Quadrilaterals Worksheets

Area of Rectangles

Area of Trapezoids

Area of Trapeziums (UK)

Trapeziums are 4 sided shapes which have exactly one pair of parallel sides.

They are members of the quadrilateral family because they have 4 sides.

A trapezium in the UK is the same as a US trapezoid.

Area of a Kite Worksheets

We have 2 worksheets to help you practice finding the area of different kites and darts.

The first sheet is slightly easier, and contains whole numbers and fractional values only.

The second sheet contains whole numbers and both fractional and decimal values.

Area of a Parallelogram Worksheets

There are 2 versions of each worksheet:

  • The first version has easier numbers to find the area - mainly integers
  • The second version has harder numbers, including fractions and decimals.

Area of a Parallelogram Worksheets

Area of Quadrilaterals

Area of Quadrilateral Walkthrough Video

This short video walkthrough shows the questions from our Quadrilateral Area Worksheet 1 being solved and has been produced by the West Explains Best math channel.

If you would like some support in solving the problems on these sheets, please check out the video below!

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Here is our selection of 5th grade Geometry worksheets about angles.

The focus on these sheets is angles on a straight line, angles around a point and angles in a triangle.

More Area Worksheets

Here are some more of our free printable area (and perimeter) worksheets for 3rd grade and up.

Perimeter Worksheets

Here is our selection of free printable perimeter worksheets for 3rd and up.

Using these sheets will help your child to find the perimeter of a range of shapes including rectangles, rectilinear shapes, circles, quadrilaterals and regular shapes.

Volume Worksheets

Here is our range of volume worksheets.

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • know what volume is and how to find it;
  • find the volume of shapes by counting cubes;
  • find the volume of rectangular prisms;
  • solving basic problems involving volume

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

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Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

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Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

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