Math Games 5th Grade

Welcome to our Math Games 5th Grade.

Here you will find a wide range of free printable Math Games to help your child learn their Math facts at 5th grade level.

Math Games 5th Grade

Using games is a great way to learn Math facts and develop mental calculation skills in a fun and easy way.

Children will pick up a whole range of skills through playing games naturally and informally.

Encouraging your child to play math games and puzzles like sodoku and chess will also help develop their logical reasoning.

Using these math games below will help your child to develop their Math fact skills as well as their strategic thinking and memory skills.

Have fun using these free 5th Grade Math Games...we hope you enjoy them!

Our Fifth Grade Math Games Booklet

Our Math Games 5th Grade e-booklet contains our entire selection of printable math games for 5th grade.

There are a total of 27 games designed for specially for 5th graders.

All the games on this page are included, plus many extra games that have been specially created for the booklet.

There is a wide selection of games to develop a range of math concepts from decimal place value to addition, subtraction and multiplication to geometry, fractions, money and strategic thinking.

Use the link below to take a peek!

Free Math Games 5th Grade

Fraction Classify It!

Fraction Classify It is a great game for getting children to develop their understanding of fractions, and how fractions relate to division.

The game also different math vocabulary such as prime, equivalent fraction, improper fraction.

It also helps to develop an understanding of equivalence of fractions, decimals and percentages.

Fraction Classify It!

Grade: 5th Grade and upwards
Number of players: 2-3
Learning: converting fractions, decimals and percentages; equivalent fractions; comparing fractions

Decimal Digit Dilemma

Decimal Digit Dilemma is a game which uses digit cards to try to create a decimal number with certain properties.

The aim of the game is to be the player that has got closest to an agreed target.

It is a great game for developing an understanding of place value up to thousandths.

Decimal Digit Dilemma Game

Grade: 5th Grade and upwards
Number of players: 2+
Learning: decimal place value to 3 decimal places, strategy

Salamander Fraction-Decimal Game

Salamander Fraction-Decimal game is a game involving converting fractions to decimals.

As you play this game you will become much more confident and able to convert a range of fractions into decimals without even thinking.

It is also a strategic game where you have to try to win the game for yourself as well as trying to stop your opponent winning.

Salamander Fraction-Decimal Game

Grade: 5th Grade and upwards
Number of players: 2-4
Calculator needed.
Learning: converting a range of proper and improper fractions into decimals.

Race to the Moon - Subtracting from -10 to 10

Race to the Moon is one of our Math Games that develops rapid recall of Math facts.

The aim of the game is to be the first player to complete an unbroken path of counters from the Earth to the Moon.

It is a simple game to play, and only requires different colored counters.

This game is a great introduction to using negative numbers and what happens when the subtrahend is larger than the minuend.

Grade: 5th Grade and upwards
Number of players: 2
Learning: subtraction facts with answers from 10 down to -10.

Salamander Multiplication 2000 Game

SSalamander Multiplication 2000 Game is a multiplication game which will help to develop children's understanding of multiplying 2 digits, but also rounding and estimating calculations.

The aim of the game is to use your digits to make a product as close to 2000 as you can!

This is also a strategic game, because you receive your digit cards one at a time, and you have to make a decision about the best place for each card to go.

You cannot move a card once it has been placed!

For this game, you will need a set of digit cards per player.

Salamander Multiplication 2000 Game

Grade: 5th Grade and up
Number of players: 2+
Learning skills: multiplication, rounding and estimation.

Decimals Tables Challenge

Decimal Tables Challenge is one of our Math Games 5th Grade that uses the multiplication tables and an understanding of decimals to make different decimal numbers on the board.

The aim of the game is to be the first player to get 4 counters in a row.

Decimals Tables Challenge

Grade: 5th Grade and upwards
Number of players: 2
Learning: Multiplying by decimals, strategy and logical thinking


The PEMDAS rule game is a game which involves using brackes, multiplication and addition or subtraction.

The aim of the game is to place digit cards in the pemdas game boards to get as close to the given target as possible.


Grade: 5th Grade +
Number of players: any.
Learning skills: learning the PEMDAS rule and reasoning skills.

Spot the Calculation Dice Game 2

Spot the Calculation is a good game for developing mental calculation skills using all 4 operations.

The aim of the game is for one player to make a calculation using the numbers on several dice. The other player then has to try to guess what the calculation was from the answer.

Spot the Calculation Dice Game 2

Grade: 5th Grade and upwards
Number of players: 2
Learning: +, -, x, ÷ using numbers 1 to 6, PEMDAS (or PEDMAS)

Bang on Target v2

Bang on Target is one of our Math Games 5th Grade which helps to develop mental calculation skills. The aim of the game is to use a set of numbers to get as close to a target number as possible.

For this game you will need a set of digit cards, or a ten-sided dice, and some counters.

Bang on Target v2

Grade: 5th Grade +
Number of players: any.
Learning skills: developing mental calculation skills.

Empty the Chest v2

Empty the Chest is a fun probability and chance game that involves strategically selecting chests to put coins in.

Roll the dice and see which chest you can take coins out of.

The strategy involves selecting the chests with the highest probability of rolling to put your coins in.

Empty the Chest v2

Grade: 5th Grade and upwards
Number of players: 2+
Learning: probability and strategy

Looking for some easier games?

If you are looking for some easier games, then why not try these math games for 4th graders.

Looking for some harder games?

If you are looking for some more challenging math games, then why not try these math games for 6th graders.

Many of the games are similar to those on this page, but at a slightly higher level.

More Recommended Math Worksheets

Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.

Math Fact Games

Playing games is a great way to learn your Math facts in a fun way.

These games are all designed to support children with learning their addition, subtraction, mulitplication and division facts.

Most of the games will also help develop children's logic and strategic thinking skills at the same time (as well as being fun!)

Our Math Games 5th Grade Booklet

Our Math Games 5th Grade e-booklet contains our entire selection of printable math games for 5th graders.

There are a total of 27 games designed for specially for 5th graders.

All the games on this page are included, plus many extra games that have been specially created for the booklet.

There is a wide selection of games to develop a range of math concepts from decimal place value to addition, subtraction and multiplication to geometry, fractions, money and strategic thinking.

Use the link below to take a peek!


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The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets and all our other Math games and resources.

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