Math Conversion Chart
Converting units of Measure
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Welcome to the Math Salamanders' Math Conversion Charts.

Here you will find a range of different charts to help you with your math conversions.

We have a range of different conversion charts, including liquid measurement, standard to metric charts, celsius to fahrenheit and military to standard time.

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Math Conversion Charts

Are you always getting your measures facts muddled up?

Do you find it hard to remember how to convert between metric to standard units?

Do you need to find out the time in a different time zone?

Look no further! There are links to the pages you need below!

Here is our selection of different Math conversion charts.

Included in this page are measure conversions, time zone conversions, temperature conversions as well as decimal and fraction conversions.

Conversion charts are really useful because there are so many different things you can convert between in math, from fractions and decimals to measurements and temperatures.

We also have a wide selection of conversion calculators to help you to convert between units.

Liquid Measurement Charts

There are quite a few major differences in the way that different countries use to measure liquid volume.

The terms "pint" and "gallon" can mean different amounts of liquid depending on which country you are in.

The charts below will tell you a few of the main differences between the way liquid volume is measured in the US and the UK.

Using these chart will help you to:

  • convert between different liquid units of measure;
  • convert from US customary units to metric units;
  • convert from metric units to US customary units;
  • convert from UK imperial to metric units.

Using these charts will help you with your liquid measurement conversions.

Metric to Standard Conversion Charts

Math Conversion Charts Tyger Salamander

The following web information page is all about converting measurements from metric to standard units.

Please note that measurements in the US and UK differ for weights and liquid volumes.

These pages will help you to convert a range of:

  • lengths
  • areas
  • volumes
  • weights
  • liquid volumes.

from metric units to standard units.

Metric Conversion Chart

The following web information page is all about converting metric lengths, areas, volumes and weights.

The units on this page are metric only, so if you are looking for help knowing and converting between metric units, then use the link below!

Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion

The following web information page is all about converting temperatures from celsius to fahrenheit.

Time Conversion

The following web information pages are all about converting units of time, from standard to military time, and military to standard time.

Roman Numerals Chart

Our Roman Numeral lists can help you to quickly convert different numbers from Roman numerals to numbers.

The lists can also help you to spot patterns and understand how Roman numerals work.

We have a wide range of lists to help you with your Roman numeral conversion.

Converting Fractions

Here you will find support pages on how to convert fractions to other number forms such as decimals or percentages.

There are some example exercises to try, complete with answers, as well as printable math support pages.

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • convert a fraction to a decimal;
  • convert a fraction to a percentage;
  • convert a fraction to simplest form;
  • convert a fraction to a mixed number;

Number System Converters

Our number system converters will convert numbers from binary, octal or hexadecimal into decimal (or from decimal to binary, octal or hex).

The calculators also show you detailed working out so you can see how to do it yourself!

Conversion Online Calculators

Our conversion calculators will help you to convert between units of measure.

We have a range of calculators so that it is easy to select the type of measures you want to convert.

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