Convert Decimal to Fraction
Support Page

Welcome to the Math Salamanders Convert Decimal to Fraction support page. Here you will find information and support about how to convert a decimal number into a fraction.

We have several worked examples and also a help video to help you understand this concept.

Convert Decimal to Fraction

How to Convert a Decimal into a Fraction

Here you will find some simple information and advice about how to convert a decimal to a fraction.

Before you learn how to do this, you should also know how to simplify fractions.

At the bottom of this page you will also find a printable resource sheet and some practice sheets which will help you understand and practice this math skill.

Decimal to Fraction Calculator

If you want to convert a decimal into a fraction, please use this link to our decimal to fraction calculator.

The calculator will convert any decimal to a decimal fraction, and also display the fraction in simplest form.

Using the calculator is a great way of self-checking your work to help you with your decimal and fraction learning.

Converting Decimals to Fractions Video

This short video clip shows how to convert a decimal into a fraction.

Converting Decimals to Fractions

To convert a decimal to a fraction, you need to follow the 3 or 4 steps below:
  • Step 1) Count the number of decimal places the decimal has.
  • Step 2) Put a 1 and the number of zeros that there are decimal places for the denominator of the fraction. If you have 2 decimal places, the denominator would be 100. If you have 4 decimal places, the denominator would be 10000.
  • Step 3) The decimal digits now become the numerator.
  • Step 4) Optional - you can reduce this fraction to its simplest form.

Frazer the Fraction Salamander

Converting Decimals to Fractions Examples

Example 1) Convert 0.815 to a fraction.

The number of decimal places is 3, so the denominator will be 1000 and the numerator will be 815.

The decimal fraction will be: \[ {815 \over 1000} \]

To find the simplest form, divide the numerator and denominator by 5.

\[ {815 \over 1000} = {815 ÷ 5 \over 1000 ÷ 5} = {163 \over 200} \]

Final answer: \[ 0.815 \; = \; {163 \over 200 } \]

Example 2) Convert 2.36 to a mixed fraction.

The decimal part is 0.36. The number of decimal places is 2. The denominator will be 100. The numerator will be 36.

The fraction will be: \[ {36 \over 100}\]

To simplify the fraction, divide the numerator and denominator by 4.

This gives us: \[ {36 \over 100} = {36 ÷ 4 \over 100 ÷ 4} = {9 \over 25} \]

Our final answer is: \[ 2.36 \; = \; 2 {9 \over 25} \]

Example 3) Convert 1.45 to an improper fraction.

The decimal part is 0.45. The number of decimal places is 2. The denominator will be 100. The numerator will be 145.

So the improper fraction will be: \[ {145 \over 100} \]

To simplify the fraction, divide the numerator and denominator by 5.

This gives us: \[ {145 \over 100} = {145 ÷ 5 \over 100 ÷ 5} = {29 \over 20} \]

Our final answer is: \[ 1.45 \; = \; {29 \over 20} \]

Convert Decimal to Fraction printable sheet

Here is a printable version of the support sheet.

Converting Decimals to Fractions Worksheets

We have a dedicated page on converting decimals to fractions worksheets.

These sheets will give you practice converting from decimals or mixed decimals into fractions.

Converting Fractions to Decimals

Here you will find some simple information and advice about how to convert a fraction to a decimal.

You will also find a printable resource sheet which explains about how to convert fractions to decimals in a little more detail.


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