Online Age Calculator

Welcome to our Online Age Calculator.

Here you will find our age converter which will tell you exactly how old someone is in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Online Age Calculator

Online Age Calculator

Enter date of birth:



Enter date to:




How the Age Calculator works

Enter the person's date of birth.

Optional: type in the time of birth if you know it (the default time is the current time).

Optional: type in the date and time you want to go up to (the default date is today's date and time).

Next click the Convert button to convert the age into a variety of different formats.

Age Calculator Notes

The age calculator calculates the time interval between two dates and changes it into a variety of formats.

However when dealing with months, there are different ways that you can interpret the time interval.

The Problem with months

From February 28th to April 1st could be said to be one month and four days because February 28th to March 28th is one month and then you have to add on four extra days to get to April 1st.

From February 28th to April 1st could be said to be one month and one day (or one month two days for a leap year) as you add on one day to get to Mar 1st (two days for a leap year). Then you just add on an extra month to get to April 1st.

Our worked examples below shows you two of the different methods that you could use for finding time intervals in months and explains which method our calculator uses.

Worked Example: January 20th to March 10th

How to work out the time interval between January 20th and March 10th (in the same year).

Method 1 - moths first, then days

  • Time interval from January 20th to March 10th
  • Step 1) We add a month to January 20th to get to February 20th.
  • Step 2) We add 8 days to get to the end of February (9 days if it is a leap year).
  • Step 3) We add 10 more days to get to March 10th.

So our answer would be 1 month and 18 days (or 1 month and 19 days if it is a leap year).

This method looks fine so far!

Method 2 - days first, then months, then days

  • Time interval from January 20th to March 10th
  • Step 1) Work out how many days to Feb 1st which is 12 days.
  • Step 2) Add 1 month to get to March 1st.
  • Step 3) Add 9 more days to get to March 10th.

So our answer would be 1 month and 21 days.

This is a completely different answer to Method 1 - it is three days more (two more for a leap year)!

Let us look at another example.

Worked Example: January 31st to March 10th

How to work out the time interval between January 31st and March 10th (in the same year).

Method 1 - moths first, then days

  • Time interval from January 30th to March 10th
  • Step 1) We add a month to January 30th to get to February 30th: there is a problem - this date does not exist.
  • Should we ignore this and say that a month is from January 30th to February 28th?
  • Or should we say that a month is from January 30th to February 27th (one day away from the end of each month)?
  • We could also say that a month from January 30th gets us to March 2nd as it is 2 days more that February 28th.
  • For this particular calculation, Method 2 works much better!

Method 2 - days first, then months, then days

  • Time interval from January 30th to March 10th
  • Step 1) We add 2 days to get to Feb 1st.
  • Step 2) We add 1 month to get to March 1st.
  • Step 3) We add 9 days to get to March 10th.

So our answer would be 1 month and 11 days.

So our calculator uses Method 2 to work out the calculations involving months as it can be used more consistently!

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Time Puzzles

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Maybe you want an interesting starter activity for your lesson to get the class thinking?

These printable time puzzles will help to get your child thinking about time and solving problems involving time.

They are good at developing an understanding of the language used in time.

We hope you have found our online age calculator useful - please feel free to leave any comments, or suggest improvements below!


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