How to Calculate Percentage Change

Welcome to our How to Calculate Percentage Change page.

This page is all about finding out the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers.

One this page we have clear step-by-step instructions for finding percentage change as well as worked examples and an easy to use percentage increase calculator to check your work.

Percentage Learning

Percentages are another area that children can find quite difficult. There are several key areas within percentages which need to be mastered in order.

Our selection of percentage worksheets will help you to find percentages of numbers and amounts, as well as working out percentage increases and decreases and converting percentages to fractions or decimals.

Key percentage facts:

  • 50% = 0.5 = ½
  • 25% = 0.25 = ¼
  • 75% = 0.75 = ¾
  • 10% = 0.1 = 110
  • 1% = 0.01 = 1100

How to Calculate Percentage Change

Below is a step-by-step guide to finding the percentages change between two different numbers.

You will also find a printable support sheet below which explains this process clearly.

We also have several worked percentage increase and decrease examples and some practice sheets for you to try.

There is also a link to our percentage increase calculator where you can check your answers.

Percentage Increase Calculator

If you need to find the percentage increase/decrease between 2 numbers, then this calculator is the one you need.

Simple input the original number, then the new number and the calculator will tell you the percentage increase or decrease.

How to find the Percentage change

Take a look at the 3 easy steps below for finding how to find the percentage change between 2 numbers.

Step 1) Subtract the original number from the new number.

Step 2) Divide this number by the original number.

Step 3) Multiply this number by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

This number gives you the percentage change.

If the number is negative, then it is a percentage decrease, if it is positive then it is a percentage increase.

How to Work Out Percentage Change printable support page

This printable support sheet below gives you the basic information on this page along with some worked examples.

It has been produced in a clear easy-to-print format.

How to Calculate Percentage Change Examples

Example 1) A toy normally costs $450. It is sold for $360 in a sale. Work out the percentage change.

Step 1)

We subtract the original number from the new number.

360 - 450 = -90

Step 2)

We need to divide this number by the original number.

-90 ÷ 450 = -0.2

Step 3)

Multiply by 100 to convert to a percentage.

-0.2 x 100 = -20%

Answer: the percentage change is -20%. The car has been reduced by 20% of its price.

We can also say that the new price is 100 - 20 = 80% of the old price.

Example 2) Tyger buys a car for $3200. He renovates it and eventually sell it for $3800. Work out the percentage change.

Step 1)

We subtract the original number from the new number.

3800 - 3200 = 600

Step 2)

We need to divide this number by the original number.

600 ÷ 3200 = 0.1875

Step 3)

Multiply by 100 to convert to a percentage.

0.1875 x 100 = 18.75%

Answer: the percentage change is 18.75%. He sold the car for 18.75% more than he paid for it.

We can also say that the price he sold it for was 100 + 18.75 = 118.75% of the price he paid for it.

Example 3) Sally fills her car with 12 gallons of gas. She goes on a journey and ends up with just 7.5 gallons left in the tank. What is the percentage change?

Step 1)

We subtract the original number from the new number.

7.5 - 12 = -4.5

Step 2)

We need to divide this number by the original number.

-4.5 ÷ 12 = -0.375

Step 3)

Multiply by 100 to convert to a percentage.

-0.375 x 100 = -37.5%

Answer: the percentage change is -37.5%. She has 37.5% less gas than when she started.

We can also say that she has 100 - 37.5 = 62.5% of the gas she started with.

Percentage Change worksheets

If you are looking for some worksheets to test your knowledge of how to find the percent increase or decrease then look no further.

Our Find the Percentage Change worksheets will give you a chance to practice your skills in this area.

More Recommended Math Resources

Take a look at some more of our resources similar to these.

How to find a percentages of a number

There is a simple way to calculate percentages of a given number.

There are also some special cases like finding 50% or 10% of a number which are even easier to work out.

This page will help you learn to find the percentage of a given number.

There is also a percentage calculator on the page to support you work through practice questions.

Percentage Word Problems

Test out your skill and application of percentages by solving some of our percentage word problems.

The word problems are carefully graded and each word problem sheets comes in different levels of difficulty.

How can I a reverse a percentage?

A reverse percentage is when you know the final amount and the percentage increase or decrease, and you want to know what the original amount was.

Our reverse percentage calculator will calculate what the original amount was in a percentage problem.

Percentage Increase and Decrease Worksheets

We have created a range of worksheets based around percentage increases and decreases.

Our worksheets include:

  • finding percentage change between two numbers;
  • finding a given percentage increase from an amount;
  • finding a given percentage decrease from an amount.

Online Percentage Practice Zone

Our online percentage practice zone gives you a chance to practice finding percentages of a range of numbers.

You can choose your level of difficulty and test yourself with immediate feedback!


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