Prime Numbers Calculator

Welcome to the Math Salamanders Prime Numbers Calculator page.

Check out to see if you have found a prime number using our Prime Number Tester, find the factors of a number and print out some of our pre-prepared prime number lists here.

Find Prime Numbers Calculator

Input any value into our Find Primes Calculator and it will find all the primes up to and including your value.

You can then take this information and copy and paste it into a prime numbers chart somewhere else if you wish!

The prime numbers are displayed in rows with 10 primes in each row.

Find Primes Calculator



Prime Number Checker

Use our prime number calculator to see whether a number is prime or not.

This calculator will also tell you what the factors of your number are.

It will also give your number as a product of prime factors.

Prime Number Checker



Prime Numbers Lists pre-prepared

We have several pre-prepared prime numbers lists for you to print.

First ... Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers Charts to ...

More Recommended Math Worksheets

Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these.

Sieve of Erastosthenes

The Sieve of Erastosthenes is a method for finding what is a prime numbers between 2 and any given number.

Eratosthenes was a Greek mathematician (as well as being a poet, an astronomer and musician) who lived from about 276BC to 194BC.

If you want to find out more about his sieve for finding primes, and print out some Sieve of Eratosthenes worksheets, use the link below.

Want to find out more about primes?

Take a look at our Prime Number page which clearly describes what a prime numbers is and what they are not.

There are also many different questions about prime numbers answered, as well as information about the density of primes.

Greatest Common Factor Calculator

Our Greatest Common Factor calculator will tell you the highest common factor between 2 or more numbers.

It will also list the factors of each of the numbers and tell you whether they are coprime or not.

Factor Tree Worksheets

We have a collection of factor tree worksheets for students aged 6th grade and upwards.

Using factor trees is a great visual way of finding all the prime factors of a number.

Looking for more math calculators?

We have a wide range of free math calculators to help you.

Most of our calculators show you their working out so that you can see exactly what they have done to get the answer.

Our calculator hub page contains links to all of our calculators!


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Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

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Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

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