Area of a Sector Calculator

Welcome to our Area of a Sector Calculator page.

We explain how to find the area of a sector and provide a quick calculator to work it out for you step-by-step.

There are also some worked examples and worksheets to help you practice this skill.

Area of a Sector Calculator

This calculator finds the area of a sector when the radius (or diameter) and the angle are known.

Area of a Sector Calculator

area of a sector labelled image




How the Calculator Works

  1. Type the angle you want for the sector, and choose whether to use degrees (default) or radians.
  2. Select if you want to use the radius or diameter (default is radius).
  3. Type the radius you want to use.
  4. For the radius and angle, you can choose a whole number, decimal or fraction.
    • You can type a fraction by typing the numerator then '/' then the denominator.
    • You can type a mixed number by typing the whole-number part, then a space then the fraction part.
    • Examples: 2 1/2 (two and one-half); 3 4/5 (three and four-fifths); 7 1/3 (seven and one-third).
  5. Choose your units of measurement (default is none)
  6. Choose your desired accuracy (default is 2 decimal places)
  7. Click the Find Area button
  8. Depending on the angle and answer, you may be given two different answers, one in terms of Pi (π) and one just as a decimal answer.

What is a Sector of a Circle?

A sector is a section (or part) of a circle.

Sectors have central angles and radius values which we can use to find the area.

sector of a circle labelled image

In the image above you can see the light brown sector of the circle (called a minor sector) with a central angle of θ°

There is also a larger white sector (called a major sector) which has a central angle of (360 - θ)°

Sectors can have any central angle of up to 360°

The central angle can also be measured in radians - when it is measured in radians, the angle can be any value up to 2π radians.

When the central angle is measured in radians, the formula for the area is slightly different.

Area of a Sector Formula

area of a sector formula image

The area of a sector of a circle where the central angle is in degrees is: \[ A = {\theta \over 360} \pi r^2 \]

The area of a sector of a circle where the central angle is in radians is: \[ A = {\theta \over 2} r^2 \]

where θ is the central angle and r is the radius of the circle.

Area of a Sector Examples

Area of a Sector Example 1

Find the area of the sector below to 1 decimal place.

area of a sector example 1

The sector has a central angle of 115° and a radius of 6 cm.

The area of a sector:

\[ A = {\theta \over 360} \pi r^2 \] where A is the area, θ is the central angle and r is the radius of the circle.

So if we substitute the values of the angle and radius into this equation, we get: \[ A = {115 \over 360} \pi \cdot 6^2 = {115 \over 360} \pi \cdot 36 = {23 \over 2} \pi \]

This gives us a final answer of: \[ A = 36.1 \; cm^2 \; to \; 1 \; decimal \; place \]

Area of a Sector Example 2

Find the area of the sector below to 1 decimal place.

area of a sector example 2

The sector has a central angle of 72° and a radius of 8 ½ in.

The area of a sector:

\[ A = {\theta \over 360} \pi r^2 \] where A is the area, θ is the central angle and r is the radius of the circle.

So if we substitute the values of the angle and radius into this equation, we get: \[ A = {72 \over 360} \pi \cdot (8 {1 \over 2})^2 = {72 \over 360} \pi \cdot {289 \over 4} = {289 \over 20} \pi \]

This gives us a final answer of: \[ A = 45.4 \; in^2 \; to \; 1 \; decimal \; place \]

Area of a Sector Example 3

Find the area of the sector below, giving your answer to 1 decimal places.

area of a sector example 3

The sector has a central angle of 278° and a radius of 9.6 cm.

The area of a sector:

\[ A = {\theta \over 360} \pi r^2 \] where A is the area, θ is the central angle and r is the radius of the circle.

So if we substitute the values of the angle and radius into this equation, we get: \[ A = {278 \over 360} \pi \cdot (9.6)^2 = {278 \over 360} \pi \cdot 92.16 = 71.168 \pi \]

This gives us a final answer of: \[ A = 223.6 \; cm^2 \; to \; 1 \; decimal \; place \]

Area of a Sector Example 4

Find the area of the sector below, where the angle is in radians.

area of a sector example 4

The sector has a central angle of 2 ½ radians and a radius of 16 m.

The area of a sector, where the angle is in radians, is:

\[ A = {\theta \over 2} r^2 \] where A is the area, θ is the central angle and r is the radius of the circle.

So if we substitute the values of the angle and radius into this equation, we get: \[ A = {2 {1 \over 2} \over 2} \cdot 16^2 = {2 {1 \over 2} \over 2} \cdot 256 = 320 \]

This gives us a final answer of: \[ A = 320 \; m^2 \]

Area of a Sector Worksheets

We have created some worksheets to help you practice this skill.

The first and second sheets involve working out the area of different sectors where the angle is measured in degrees.

Sheet 3 involves finding the area of different sectors where the angle is measured in radians.

More Recommended Math Resources

Take a look at some more of our math resources similar to these.

Perimeter of a Sector Calculator

We also have a calculator for finding the perimeter of a sector using the angle and radius values.

Take a look at the webpage below where you will find formula, worked examples and a handy calculator for finding the perimeter of sectors in degrees or radians.

More Circle Worksheets and Support Pages

Convert Radians to Degrees Calculator

Use this calculator for converting angles in radians to degrees.

There is also a handy formula and step-by-step instructions to do this conversion.

More Area & Volume Calculators

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Each calculator page comes with worked examples, formulas and practice worksheets.

Looking for more math calculators?

We have a wide range of free math calculators to help you.

Most of our calculators show you their working out so that you can see exactly what they have done to get the answer.

Our calculator hub page contains links to all of our calculators!


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