Celsius to Fahrenheit

Welcome to our Celsius to Fahrenheit Calculator.

Here you will find our online math calculator to help you to convert from Celsius to fahrenheit.

There are also some temperature conversion worksheets for you to practice this skill.

Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion Calculator

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit



How it works

This calculator will help you to convert quickly between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Simply type in the number you wish to convert (either as an integer or decimal), and click the Convert button.

The answer will be displayed correct to 2 decimal places.

Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion Chart Formula

The formula below will help you to convert from Celsius into Fahrenheit.

\[ F \; = \; {9 \over 5} C \; + \; 32\]

where F is the temperature in Fahrenheit and C is the temperature in Celsius (or Centigrade).

Steps to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

  • Step 1: Multiply the Celsius by 9
  • Step 2: Divide by 5
  • Step 3: Add 32 to your answer

Fahrenheit to Celsius Conversion Formula

The formula below will help you to convert from Fahrenheit into Celsius (or Centigrade).

\[ C \; = \; {5 \over 9} (F - 32) \]

where C is the temperature in Celsius (or Centigrade) and F is the temperature in Fahrenheit.

Steps to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

  • Step 1: Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit
  • Step 2: Multiply by 5
  • Step 3: Divide by 9

Celsius to Fahrenheit Charts and Worksheets

If you are looking for some printable conversion charts or worksheets to help you convert celsius to fahrenheit, we have several below!

Other Related Math Calculators

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We have a range of calculators so that it is easy to select the type of measures you want to convert.

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Binary to Decimal Converter

Our binary-decimal converter will convert numbers from binary to decimal or decimal to binary.

This calculator also shows you detailed working out so you can see how to do it yourself!

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