Convert Hours to Seconds

Welcome to our Convert Hours to Seconds Calculator.

Here you will find our online math calculator to help you to convert from time intervals in hours to seconds.

There are also some worked examples for you to follow.

Convert hours to seconds calculator

hours to seconds converter



How It Works

Here is our hours to seconds conversion calculator which will help you convert between the two different units of time.

The converter will also show you the formula you need to convert between units.

How It Works...

Step 1) Type in the time you wish to convert.

Step 2) (Optional) - choose what accuracy you want your answer - the default is 1 decimal place.

Step 3) Click the Convert button and the answer will be displayed.

How to convert hours to seconds

How to convert hours to seconds

To convert an amount from hours to seconds, you just need to multiply the amount by 3600.

How to convert seconds to hours

To convert an amount from seconds to hours, you just need to divide the amount by 3600.


Example 1) Convert 3 hours into seconds.

To convert 3 hours into seconds, we need to multiply the amount by 3600.

3 x 3600 = 10800.

So 3 hours = 10800 seconds.

Example 2) Convert 6 hours 20 minutes into seconds.

To convert from hours into seconds, we need to multiply by 3600.

6 x 3600 = 21600

To convert from minutes to seconds, we need to multipy by 60.

20 x 60 = 1200

Now add them together: 21600 + 1200 = 22800

So 6 hours 20 minutes = 22800 seconds.

Common Conversions Facts hours to seconds

Here are some a few quick simple conversion facts from hours to seconds.

  • 1 minute = 60 seconds
  • 1 hour = 60 minutes
  • 1 hour = 3600 seconds
  • 12 hours = 720 minutes
  • 12 hours = 43,200 seconds
  • 1 day = 24 hours = 1440 minutes
  • 1 day = 24 hours = 86,400 seconds

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Other Related Math Calculators

Our conversion calculators will help you to convert between units of measure.

We have a range of calculators so that it is easy to select the type of measures you want to convert.

More Time Conversion Calculators

Our time calculators will allow you to convert any digital time into a military time, and back.

We also have a decimal time converter which will take a time in hours, minutes and seconds and then convert it to a decimal number which represents that time. This calculator will also take a decimal time and convert it to hours, minutes and seconds.

More Conversion Calculators

Our conversion calculators will help you to convert between units of measure.

We have a range of calculators so that it is easy to select the type of measures you want to convert.

Popular Conversion Calculators

Here are some of our specific online calculators for converting between two units of measure.

Online Time Conversion Check

Every effort has been made to ensure that the Time Conversion calculator on this page is as accurate as possible.

If you wish to double check that the conversion that you wish to make is correct, or if the conversion that you are looking for is not here, use the link below which will open an online conversion checker in a new browsing window.

This online converter deals with many more types of measurement units.

Using the link below will open the onlineconversion checker in a new browswer window.


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